There is a good chance that Hodgdon H4831 Powder has been responsible for taking more large game than any other powder. In 1950, Hodgdon was the first manufacturer to market a product with this now-common burning rate.
Since then, it has established itself as a popular choice for cartridges like as the 270 Winchester, the 25-06 Remington, the 280 Remington, and the 300 Winchester Magnum. Being an Extreme Extruded propellant, Hodgdon H4831 Powder For Sale has the admirable property of indifference to either high or low temperatures, in addition to exceptional homogeneity from one batch to the next.
Specifications and Features:
- Powders of a high caliber for those who reload their own ammunition at home
- Flows through the measures with outstanding precision.
- Offers match-grade accuracy
- It is probably reasonable to claim that H4831 has taken more large game than any other powder.
- In 1950, Bruce Hodgdon was the first provider to offer this popular burning rate.
- It is popular for cartridges like as the 270 Winchester, 25-06 Remington, 280 Remington, and 300 Winchester Magnum.
- Being an Extreme Extruded propellant, it has the advantage of being insensitive to hot/cold conditions and having excellent homogeneity from lot to lot.
- The grain form has been extruded (stick)
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